Saturday, 21 August 2010

A level Results!!

Hiya everyone! I just wanted to let you know that I got my A level results yesterday.
Dun Dun Dunnnn!!

I got ABB!

This means a place at Surrey Uni! I've got really nice accomodation at a place called Manor Park with an ensuite and they all look like newbuilds soo yeaaaah!

Also, I was at a party tonight. My friend Matt's 18th. Here's a picc:

They were both lifting me up. lol!

hope you're all having a good timeee,
Emz ♥


  1. Congractulations girl thats amazing!!! well done :) xxx

  2. Congratulations on your results !!! :)
    - Beth x

  3. Congratulations on your results! You'll love uni all my friends never want to come home haha. I'm a new follower :) maybe you could check out my blog too?
    x Lisa

  4. hiyaaa, I did check out yours, and I want to follow, but it's not letting me! when i try log into google, it says "request too large" so i'll try soon x

  5. well done with your results!:),you look lovely in that picture:)xxxx

  6. congratulations thats great. Just found your blog today love the storage boxes from the earlier post x

  7. ahh, congrats lady! I wish I had it all to do again! *feels old* x

  8. I just found your blog and i like it especially the blog header, pretty. im following and congrats!


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