Monday, 20 September 2010

Room Redecoration: MISSION COMPLETE!

Sorry for the delay, I did say that I was going to schedule the post for saturday but thenn I got a tummy bug which I still have =[ It's making it very hard to sleep cause I have a really bad tummy ache! Anywaysss, the long awaited room pictures!

The little wardrobe is from Ikea. It's the only one that had a length of 75cms which fitted that space of wall which was 77cms pretty much perfectly. It's a children's wardrobe but I think it gives the perfect opportunity to show off the pretty decorative boxes at the top and they're easy to reach :) (Cost £90)

The dresser is not finished yet, it needs a bit of "distressing" to give it the shabby chic feel.... We were also planning to paint the wardrobe the same colour but since I only have a week left, I don't know if that is going to happen now.

I love this mirror! It has the same kinda design as the wallpaper with the little dots! I bought it from ebay for £65.

Even though I'm off to uni, it will still be nice to come home to a nice room at christmas :) Especially as my mum wants me to start paying rent!!

Bye for now all,
Emz ♥


  1. haha i love when parents decide you should pay rent! i pay rent too but my room isn't as lovely as yours! I love the wallpaper you chose! xxx

  2. the wallpaper is gorgeous! i love itttt xxx


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