Friday, 30 March 2012

Recycling Clothes & Possible Blog sale?

I've always wondered why there wasn't some magical place where you could sell your clothes back to somewhere for like half of what they are worth or something! But since such a place doesn't exist, I've decided to see how my clothes would fair selling on ebay.

I didn't think I'd get very much for my pieces, but it turns out that they aren't doing too bad! I sold a few Primark tops for like £6 when they probably cost me that in the first place!

So now I've decided whenever I want something new, I've got to find old things to sell to the value of the new thing(s)! I spent £90 on clothes the other day (which I'll do a little haul on in a few days) and I currently have made £45 from old clothes! So still got a little way to go, but it's fun!

I think the lady in the post office will start to hate me! I posted 5 things the other day! She's grumpy anyway!

I was considering selling my Armani Diamonds Perfume gift set that I got for Christmas, and maybe seeing how it does here, but since I haven't blogged in such a long time, I'm not sure how many people would look!

Comment below if you think I should do a blog sale of my clothes and bits and bobs, I might have some makeup stuff that I could sell too.

Hope everyone is doing well!
Emz ♥


  1. In the early part of sixties in the last century, women's fashion was taken up seriously by Roslyn Jaffe at Stamford, Connecticut with a vision to give a new dimension to women's clothing, which became popular with the name dress barn clothes.

    prom dresses short.

  2. Hey! Yeah I live at MP but not for long - the year's almost out :p


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