Thursday, 24 June 2010

*cry cry*

Right so, I wanted to buy this epic beret from New Look a couple of weeks ago, and I was going to leave it to see if I could find it instore the next day. No such luck... and then I went to purchase it online but it's gone :o

I've checked ebay, i don't know where else would have one.

Does anyone know where i can get this from? or have one that I could buy from you...  :) thankss.

Emz ♥


  1. I hate it when this happens!
    I'm sorry I don't know where to :/
    They normally come back in stock by next week

  2. I've been checking back everyday for like, 2 weeks now. I'm thinking, because it was on sale, that they were just getting rid of them ;( x


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