Tuesday, 15 June 2010

Sunday Update & Makeup Look

~ Sunday ~

On Sunday, my dad gave us the option to see a film or go bowling. This is our little treat since we only see him every other weekend. We checked what films were on but none of them really caught my eye so we decided on bowling. Firstly, when I asked for my shoe size (5) they told me there was none left so he asked if I wanted a 4 or 6. Well obviously I wasn't going to squish my feet into a 4! So I reluctantly picked the size 6. Also the balls were really slippery and I actually dropped the ball backwards towards the seating area which was scary o_o anyways, we played 3 games... I lost all three of them EVEN after getting a strike AND half strike on my last go and scoring 125, I was beaten by one by my brother :( And then by the 3rd game I was so boiling, I just got really rubbish...

Since I was in the local town, I seized the opportunity to pick up the two remaining dazzle dusts that I wanted. I told my dad that he could either pick one up for me or we could go along to the other superdrug which was a little walk away. He agreed to "pay" for mine with the coupon with my brother laughing and saying "that's probably the gayest thing you've ever done!!" while the cashier person just laughed :) Anyway, I picked up shade 72 Emerald (see picture) Which I'm not very impressed with, there seems to be a lot of pigment missing and it wasn't full to the top, I'd really like to complain to them, does anyone know how I would contact them? Anyways, I also got shade 24 (Old Gold) but forgot to take a picture.

Left: brand new Emerald that has quite a lot missing? compared with Right: Brand new Teal

~ Makeup Look ~

I wasn't very impressed with the way I did this, I didn't really use the right brushes and my eyes had been sore from hayfever and where they'd been itchy and I rubbed them so I apologize for that. Anyways, here are a few pictures:

So yeah. What I used:
1. Collection 2000 16 hour Ultimate Perfection Concealer (just as a base..)
2. Barry M Fine Glitter Dust in No. 4 - Silver all over the lid
3. Barry M Dazzle Dust in No. 44 - Copper
4. Barry M Dazzle Dust in No. 14 - Kharki
5. Barry M Dazzle Dust in No. 24 - Old Gold
6. Benefit BADgal eyeliner along top and bottom lash line
7. Rimmel Kohl Pencil in Jungle Green along lower lash line.
8. Maybelline new Stilletto mascara? Borrowed from my mum but didn't like it, used Max Factor lash extension effect over it but as you can see, still looks a mess :/

Hope you guys are all having fun :)
Emz ♥


  1. Aww sounds fun I havent been bowling for years!

    glad you got your dazzle dusts :) Maybe go on the website and look for contact details? You have gorgeous eyes! :)

    Haha, About your dad, Mines the complete opposite and doesn't mind buying me make up or clothes! He has quite good taste in shopping actually hell be like why not buy this? & 9 times out of ten I really like what hes picked :') x

  2. haha! Yeah, except for I lost every game and then I got really boiling and didn't care anymore! And it really makes you ache in the morning :( I'm still aching now! haha.

    Yeah, I'll look for an email address or something :) and thank you very much :)

    Haha, aww, lucky you! Mine begrudges giving me any money at all. He gives me pocket money but £5 a week... what on earth is that going to buy me?! Not even a McDonalds meal!! My dad just likes to stay at home watching the football or F1 racing or something haha xx


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