Saturday, 26 June 2010


It's a glorious sunny day people! And I have hayfever :( Badtimes. I thought I'd share with you all, my Outfit for today.

Yeah, I just wanted to wear something light since it's so hott! And I actually put an all Primark outfit together by accident! Although my mum gave me the top so the top a really old primark top, I don't think it looks like primark tbh :P And neither do the jean shorts. They are really nice and look more Miss Selfridge than Primark! I think the bracelets are quite old too. My mum gave me her set so I've put two sets together now, and that's how I wear them, because this season is all about layering up and clutter and stuff so yeah. I think I saw Gok put loads of bracelets on one of his models....

Also, carrying on from my previous post, I managed to find a beaded beret on the new look website for like, 5 minutes, I quickly ordered it along with a normal black and cream one. I checked back less than 1 hour later and they were out of stock again! They must sell out really fast or something... :/

Only 23 days until I'm 18, and only 10 until I fly off to Malta! and anddd,, only 4 days until I've finished my exams! wooowie ;D

Hope you're all having loads of fun on this sunny day!
Emz ♥


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