Monday, 21 June 2010

Epic Panic

Panic, Panic, Panic....

I'm very worried.
I have an exam tomorrow (Tuesday, 9am) and I have so much to learn, everytime I look at the book I just go "eww..." and leave it. Now I have ONE day to learn everything I need for an exam. There's not even chances for retakes! This is it. I hate myself, why can't I take this more seriously... I always do this. -rant at self...-

and also...
The Ryanair flights we booked to Malta... well I made a mistake. Everyone knows that you're supposed to be really careful because they charge you for every slip up... I'd been looking at places for the cheapest flights all day, and I found these really cheap ones so I booked them but I put my mum's name as "Maggi" <- yes, that's how she spells it, and what everyone knows her as, instead of the name on her passport which is "Margaret".

Here's the worst part...
A name change is ONE HUNDRED POUNDS and the flight only cost SIXTY POUNDS. Where is the logic in that?! I'll have to ring them later -really do not want to.. I might get emotional and come off the phone in tears...- and see if they will give me a change of name (clearly not for another person, just a variation of the name of the same person if that makes ANY sense at all!) and if not, I'll just buy another seat on the plane and forget about that one. since buying a new seat will be £30 - £40 cheaper than a name change on the current ticket... I'm really gutted though, that's still a needless extra £60 - £70 that would not be demanded had I actually just thought for one moment and put the proper name.

UPDATE: The guy I spoke to is really nice, and I asked him if he would charge and he said he could do it for free! I said "thank you very muchh!!" and then cried with tears of happiness and rung my mum straight away :) 

Have any of you had any experiences with Ryanair? Good or bad? Let me know :)

Sorry for the massive rant post people, I do hope you're having a better week than moi!
Emz ♥

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