Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Life Update, Nailene pen review + Hair & Eyebrows....

Right. I have an exam at 9am. I feel like I hardly know anything. This exam means sooo much to me :/ aah. Explosion much. Anyways.

I'm so looking forward to it being 11:30am. I'll go look around my local town for a bit of relaxation and then get the bus home to sleep for a million hours!

Also, following my previous blog post about my nailene french tip pen... The packaging is actually lethal! I have this plastic cut on my finger which is really painful from where I tried to open the packet... Anyway, it's really easy to apply (surprisingly easy) and I don't know if it's just me using it wrong or something but, I noticed little cracks starting to appear in the white and also seems to chip quite easily. Mum thinks I just need a little more practice so I'll let you know :) I don't have a picture right now.. I've been quite busy lately. With this exam and then I have to sort out Student Finance since the deadline is 25th. Eeek.

On a sidenote. Today I booked to have my eyebrows threaded on July 5th (if anyone doesn't know.. it's like a piece of cotton which pulls out stray hairs) They do it in debenhams for £18 I think, and certainly my local superdrug does it for £5 but I go to this professional indian lady's house and she does it for £4 and she's really gentle. The only thing is that I get a rash of spots around my eyebrows everytime I have this done, because my skin is so sensitive so I always get all blotchy. I definately recommend it if you haven't tried it though, the results are lovely and it lasts for 4ish weeks! I'll probably end up posting a picture of my newly-shaped eyebrows.

Also booked a haircut for the day I go on holiday since I'm leaving at night. The woman who I want to do my hair is not available on the day of my prom which is disappointing because I wanted them to properly do the curls and stuff but yeah, can't be helped I guess!

Malta is 14 days away. Yay ♥

Hope you're all doing well :)
Emz ♥


  1. hope your exam went okay hun! & oo lucky you 14 days! Jelous!! :) ive seen people getting there eyebrows thredded in debenhams it was quite interesting ass i watched as i walked past its like wooo how does she do that?? xx

  2. my exam went fine! Everything I wanted to come up did, so I'm really happy about that :) Also, I would really recommend getting your eyebrows threaded, but not in debenhams, the girls in there are harsh and barely trained whereas it was the indian people who started it in the first place so they are the true professionals! They get the cotton and trap the hair in it and it pulls out the whole follicle and can last up to 6 weeks (from the internet, apparently). Hope this helps you xx

  3. Thanks for replying :) Ooh okay, Ive never had my eyebrows done before every one always says to me where do you get your eyebrows done they look really nice? :/ Ive never even touched my eyebrows before haha i'd be to scared! Might see to get this done in the future though :) x

  4. They also don't do it really thin like if you get them waxed, and the way they do it, they go with the natural shape of your eyebrows for you, so there's very little that can go wrong :)

    You're so lucky that you don't have to touch yours! My hair always grows so fast, on my head and eyebrows lol. I like that my actual hair grows fast, my hair was a little above my shoulders 1 year ago, now it's halfway down my back :) it grows reallly fast! hehe xx


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