Saturday, 12 June 2010

Job Suggestion? MAC Makeup?...

I was laying on the sofa with my mum saying I don't really know what I'm gonna do with my life... She reckons I should do the Business Management Course and train to be a makeup artist! She's picked up on my obsession with makeup, and she's always telling me "Emma! You don't need any more makeup, the stuff you have will have gone out of date by then!" Pssh, who cares! I want the best stuff :P

She thinks after uni, I could set up my own business specialising in stuff like Wedding Makeup or nights out because she thinks people would pay for that. Especially if you set up in a wealthy area although of course I'd have to do my market research first!

It's a possibility, I'm not keen to work with people though, I've never had a job, but I can imagine that some people can be really unpleasant to work with and it's a lot of pressure, they might not like what I've done!

I still think I'll try to be a property developer, I see much more profit and you don't have to work directly, providing a service for someone.

On the topic of makeup...

I've yet to buy any Mac products and I'm beginning to feel left out! What do you think my first Mac product should be? I saw someone on youtube using a Sharkskin shadestick but apparently that has been discontined.
-note: I do not want to buy any foundations/concealers from them :)

Hope everyone is doing okay,
Emz ♥


  1. you should set up a company that does make up parties - like doing peoples make up for them before going out! xx

  2. Do you think people would actually pay for that though? or do you think they won't bother and can do an alright job by themselves? I probably wouldn't want to pay someone to do my makeup for me! haha. My mum also said I should be a makeup artist of celebrities but pssh, like that's ever going to happen :P I think i'd be too shy to work with celebs anyway! xx

  3. Hmm both sound like good paths but if your not keen on doing something then don't do it!

    The hair and beauty industry comes with so much pressure! I have just completed my first year hairdressing, and everything has to be perfect, Hair, Nails, Make up, clothes, personal hygene you have to look proffesional and not a foot out of line, I once nearly got sent home for having chipped nailvarnish and couldnt do my client! Its a great industry to be in though :)

    Just keep like thinking about what you want to do and write pros and cons for each one ! :)

    Or google like connections websites and read about jobs on there (I sound like a teacher at school lol)

    Good luck in what ever you try to do xx

  4. haha oh my god! I hardly ever have perfect hair and nails (I'm rubbish at painting them!). Haha, they're really strict! I'd really like to try doing a french manicure look on my nails, because they're usually quite long :)

    Haha I suppose! We'll see. I've got a long 4 years at uni ahead of me yet :) x

  5. just found your blog .. its lovely! you have a new follower :) <33
    i suggest either a blush or a lipstick to start off with as you'll be able to get a lot of use out of them if you find the right oolour :) x


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