Thursday, 15 July 2010

Sorrrry people

I know it's been agesss but I've been in Malta and then I had prom. I'll show you some of the professional prom photos that were taken. I might be buying some but they're £15 a picture :o omg! So unfair =[ I've lost my cam lead atm (I think it's at my dad's, seeing him friday night) so I can't upload any holiday pics *sadface*

So yeah, I didn't have a date for the prom, but that's okay, I still had a good time :)

He made me stand in a weird position! But I still like the pic :)

me and friends

Me and the girlss ♥

I will do more posts, more regular, in the future, I promise :)

4 days till my 18th birthday. Yaaaay!!

Emz ♥

1 comment:

  1. Awwww you look beautiful Great pictures you and your friends all look gorgeous :) x


I'd really love it if you'd comment on my blog post :) I love reading and replying to your messages! ♥

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